How Can a Chiropractor Help with a Herniated Disc?

You may wonder if chiropractic care can help if you suffer from a herniated disc. A herniated disc occurs when the spinal disc’s soft inner core pushes through the more rigid outer layer. This can cause pain, numbness, and tingling in the back and legs. Chiropractors are experts at treating spinal conditions, and they may be able to help you recover from a herniated disc.

Choosing the right chiropractor is critical to getting the best care. Look for a chiropractor with experience treating herniated discs and other spinal problems.


Keep reading to learn more about chiropractic care for herniated discs!

What Is a Herniated Disc: Causes and Symptoms?

Your spinal cord is made up of a series of vertebrae, which are cushioned by discs. When one of these discs ruptures or herniates, the disc material bulges or displaces into the spinal canal. This can cause extreme pain, discomfort, numbness, tingling, weakness, and other symptoms.

Common causes may include age-related wear and tear, degenerative disc disease, trauma to the spine, or lifting an object that is too heavy.

A herniated disc can cause extreme pain and further damage the spine when left untreated. For example, you may experience pinched nerves, which can cause radiating pain or a loss of muscle strength in the affected area. Also, if the herniated disc is pressing on a nerve or spinal cord, you may experience bladder and bowel control issues.

Benefits of Choosing a Chiropractor for Herniated Disc Treatment

When treating a herniated disc, there are many benefits to choosing a chiropractor over other medical professionals. Here are some ways a chiropractor can help:

1. Relieve Pain:

A chiropractor can use manual adjustment to realign the vertebrae, reduce inflammation, and improve the range of motion. This helps to relieve pain caused by a herniated disc.

2. Rebuild Strength:

A chiropractor can recommend exercises and stretches to strengthen the affected area and improve flexibility. This helps build strength in the spine and reduce re-injury risk.

3. Correct Posture:

The adjustments may also help correct posture, reducing stress on the spine and alleviating pain associated with a herniated disc. For example, sitting in a poor posture can lead to increased pain from herniated discs.

4. Non-Invasive Treatment:

Chiropractic care is non-invasive, meaning no drugs or surgery is involved. This makes it an ideal option for those looking for alternative treatments for their condition.

Steps Involved in Treating a Herniated Disc with a Chiropractor

In most cases, chiropractic care of herniated discs involves several steps. The first step is to assess the patient’s condition and determine the severity of the herniation. During this assessment, your doctor will perform various tests to measure how much flexibility you have in your spine and to determine the range of motion of your affected area. Once a diagnosis is made, your chiropractor will decide on the best action.

Common treatments for herniated discs include spinal examination and x-rays, home exercises, and nutritional guidance.

Call Radix Chiropractic for the best chiropractor in Colorado Springs. We offer chiropractic care for herniated discs and other conditions. Our experienced chiropractors provide a safe and effective approach to managing herniated discs.