Pain Specialist Treating Women With Migraine

Can A Chiropractor Help With Migraines? – The Answer

If you have migraines, it can be one of the most debilitating experiences. It causes you to lose focus, creates pain, and it affects the quality of your life in a significant way. But you might be wondering, can a chiropractor help with migraines? Well it turns out there's a very strong link between your spine and migraines. So in this post, let's discuss why migraines occur. And let's answer: “can going to a chiropractor help with migraines?” Read More: Chiropractic Helps Combat Seasonal Symptoms The Facts About Migraines There are a few things you should know about migraines first before answering the question of “does chiropractic help with migraines?” For instance, migraines are most likely genetic. Almost 90% of people who have migraines also have another family member who…

How Can a Chiropractor Help with a Herniated Disc?

How Can a Chiropractor Help with a Herniated Disc?

You may wonder if chiropractic care can help if you suffer from a herniated disc. A herniated disc occurs when the spinal disc's soft inner core pushes through the more rigid outer layer. This can cause pain, numbness, and tingling in the back and legs. Chiropractors are experts at treating spinal conditions, and they may be able to help you recover from a herniated disc. Choosing the right chiropractor is critical to getting the best care. Look for a chiropractor with experience treating herniated discs and other spinal problems. Read more: HOW TO SELECT A GOOD CHIROPRACTOR YOU CAN TRUST? Keep reading to learn more about chiropractic care for herniated discs! What Is a Herniated Disc: Causes and Symptoms? Your spinal cord is made up of a series of vertebrae,…