Begin Your Path to Wellness at Radix Chiropractic!
We’re Here to Support Your Health Journey.

At the heart of our mission is the drive to awaken every man, woman, and child to their potential for greatness. We are dedicated to serving the world as the hands of Christ, reflecting the belief that we are the light of the world, as expressed in Matthew 5:14-16. Our vision is to be a growing body of people committed to serving the needs of others, offering a safe haven to those seeking change. Our values—authenticity, clarity, and commitment—guide us in remaining true to our purpose, simplifying health, and dedicating ourselves to the community we serve.

Chiropractic is a philosophy for life. The truth is when you were born, you were created to flourish and prosper and not fall apart. The beauty of chiropractic is it’s about nurturing the innate intelligence within the living human body to allow it to express itself more freely so that people can reach their optimal potential in life. Our philosophy can be summarized with the simple acronym, A.D.I.O.; “Above-Down, Inside-Out.” Life and all healing come from Above-Down; God into man, and then life is expressed from the Inside-Out. You already have within you the potential to flourish and prosper in your life. Our objective is to correct that which is limiting you from reaching your optimal potential, Vertebral Subluxation. This objective is accomplished through the art, science and philosophy of the Chiropractic Adjustment. If you desire to gain a deeper understanding, continue reading in “What Is Chiropractic.”
To Give. To Do. To Love. To Serve.
Our team at Radix Chiropractic embraces the Lasting Purpose mindset; To Give, To Do, To Love, and To Serve others out of our own abundance. It is our commitment as your Family Chiropractic office in Colorado Springs to go above and beyond your expectations and deliver the most principled and pure Chiropractic care imaginable. We do this because our hope is to see your life radically improved through Chiropractic Adjustment!

A single session will usually provide some relief and produce immediate results. However, continued adjustments are needed for lasting results. Our dedicated staff will assess and provide the best plan for you.
The first visit may take up to 45 minutes because it will include some physical examinations and if necessary, Digital Spinal X-Rays. Most sessions thereafter will last about ten minutes. As your health improves, the sessions will grow shorter. When using chiropractic adjustments for maintenance, adjustments can take as little as 5 minutes.
If it’s your first appointment, bring your ID, proof of insurance, and any forms that need to be submitted. Dress comfortably for Colorado Springs weather, but avoid having multiple layers. Clothes with stretch will generally be more comfortable when making adjustments.
During the first visit, the chiropractor will have a consultation with you and ask several questions about your health history and symptoms. You will then receive a spinal examination and Digital Spinal X-Rays (if necessary). Following the initial visit, a care plan will be developed and the first adjustment will be given on the second visit.