Chiropractor Assessing Patient's Back Pain

Chiropractors and orthopedic doctors are healthcare professionals who treat different health conditions by manipulating the areas around these conditions. Undeniably, chiropractors and orthopedic doctors have some treatment practices, but that does not mean that they are the same.

This distinction is similar to the differences found in the chiropractor vs physical therapist debate, where each profession has its unique scope and methods of treatment.

Still, is there a difference between chiropractors and orthopedic doctors? Let’s explore what makes these medical professions different.

Who Is a Chiropractor?

A chiropractor diagnoses and treats neuromuscular disorders. The emphasis of a chiropractor’s treatment is manual adjustment or manipulation of the spine. The spine is seemingly the most important part of the body, and chiropractors believe that spinal adjustments and alignment will improve the functioning of other systems throughout a person’s body.  

Therefore, a chiropractor focuses on reducing pain and improving a person’s functionality by manipulating the spine and the neuromusculoskeletal system, including the bones, nerves, tendons, and ligaments. The spinal adjustments done by a chiropractor will help maintain good alignment, which then eliminates pain in the back and neck.

Who Is an Orthopaedic Doctor?

An orthopedic doctor focuses on caring for the tissue that connects bones and joints. These parts of the body, such as joints, bones, nerves, and tendons, form the body’s musculoskeletal system.

More specifically, an orthopedic doctor specializes in diagnosing and treating sports injuries or injuries resulting from strenuous physical activities. A person can also suffer from injuries resulting from overuse or aging.

Orthopedist vs. Chiropractor

Sometimes, it is hard to choose between an orthopedist and a chiropractor. Between an orthopedist and a chiropractor, who should you go to see when you are experiencing pain? If broken bones or torn muscles cause your pain, you are better off going to see an orthopedist who will repair the damage surgically.

Orthopedic doctors and chiropractors both offer physical therapy treatment options, but the major difference in their approach to treatment differs in the philosophies they adopt to alleviate pain. An orthopedic doctor might suggest surgical treatment as a final resort, but a chiropractor will focus on manual spinal adjustments of the spine. Still, it is important to understand that both healthcare professionals focus on treating patients experiencing issues with the musculoskeletal system.

Read more: What Distinguishes a Chiropractor From a Physiotherapist?

Step Into Wellness at Radix Chiropractic

Are you in Colorado Springs and searching for a natural solution to alleviate pain and enhance your mobility? Radix Chiropractic, your premier Colorado Springs chiropractic center, is here to help. Our skilled professionals are dedicated to providing gentle, effective chiropractic care to relieve discomfort in your neck, joints, and back. Contact us today to experience our non-invasive approach and discover how it can restore your normal mobility and boost your body’s natural healing abilities.