Pregnancy can be a complex emotional roller coaster. There are physical, chemical, and emotional changes occurring. Those all add up to additional stress on the body. Fortunately, a chiropractic adjustment can positively balance those changes. (more…)
My brother and I were not getting along. We were very different people, and in very different stages of life living under the same roof. I was a 22 college drop out starting to get my life back on track with chiropractic care (future blog entry). He was a 12-year-old adolescent. I realized we were constantly fighting because he would ask me the same question repeatedly, refuse to shut doors, or sit down and do his homework. At this time my mom was given a solution he was diagnosed with ADHD and given medication. It was an answer and really that's what a parent is looking for. (more…)
Back Pain and Chiropractic
This is what most people think a chiropractor does all day; fix bad backs. The reason is everyone has experienced or known someone with back pain. Many of those people have been helped by a chiropractor. While I will say chiropractic is for so much more; I want to explain why and how it works for back pain. When a joint locks up in the back the message of pain gets sent to the brain, and the process of degeneration begins. We restore proper movement in the joint and it stops that degenerative process. Also, it turns that pain signal off. This allows us to listen to our bodies feedback. (more…)