It’s Normal to Feel Tired After a Chiropractic Adjustment

It’s Normal to Feel Tired After a Chiropractic Adjustment

Between 2000 and 2023, there has been a 57% increase in chiropractic adjustments, so it’s no wonder chiropractic care has become increasingly common in America. People are seeking relief from lower back pain and looking for ways to solve various joint and muscle issues. It is fairly well-known how chiropractic care benefits us, but what is less commonly known is what happens after an adjustment. The After-Effects of Chiropractic Adjustments For those experiencing aches and pains, such as lower back pain, a problem that affects many today, chiropractic care can be especially beneficial. It is pertinent to understand the procedures and potential effects when visiting a chiropractor. One rather common after-effect of chiropractic manipulation is mild discomfort or pain in the targeted areas. During the adjustment, sudden force is applied…

What To Expect At Your First Chiropractic Visit For An Infant

What To Expect At Your First Chiropractic Visit For An Infant

When it comes to providing the best life for your baby, obviously health is at the top of the list. A lot of people wonder what to expect at your infant's first chiropractic appointment. After all, chiropractic is an excellent way to protect your infant's muscles, ligaments, and nervous system. So if you're looking to encourage the optimal growth and development of your child, keep reading and talk about what to expect, as well as the benefits of a chiropractor for infants in Colorado Springs. What To Expect At Your Infant's First Chiropractic Visit Detailed History Chiropractors will ask you about your baby's health in general. This allows us to assess a history of biomechanical and nervous system traits. In fact, we'll begin with the mother's pregnancy all the way…

The Benefits Of Chiropractic Care For The Elderly

The Benefits Of Chiropractic Care For The Elderly

Family chiropractic in Colorado Springs can help you improve symptoms of pain throughout your body. Whether you've experienced an injury or are suffering from other sources of pain, we offer holistic treatment. With chiropractic, it’s possible to improve your overall health, reduce stress in your nervous system, and promote better communication between your body and the brain. Therefore, you'll feel better, experience less pain, and reduce stress. That being said, if you are in your advanced age or someone you love is, you might be wondering what chiropractic care can do for older people. So let’s explore the benefits in the article below. Related Reading: How Often Should You Visit The Chiropractor What Chiropractic Care Can Do For Older Patients Let’s take a look at ways chiropractic care can improve…

Doctor Therapist Doing Healing Treatment on Man's Back

Can Chiropractors Help With Arthritis?

You deserve to live without pain and discomfort. However, when your nerves, joints, or spinal column are out of alignment, it can cause a lot of issues — from inflammation to chronic arthritis, and more. Luckily, chiropractors can help you significantly. In fact, a lot of people wonder, ”Can a chiropractor help with arthritis in the lower back?” So let's talk about the various benefits of going to a chiropractor if you have any kind of arthritic condition. Related Reading: How Chiropractors Help With Herniated Disks What A Chiropractor Does A chiropractor is a health professional that focuses on helping you release impinged nerves and otherwise align your spine. This can alleviate pain and inflammation such as arthritis. What Is Arthritis? Arthritis is inflammation in your joints. There are several…

Person Having Numbness In Hand

How Can a Chiropractor Help with Numbness In Hands?

A variety of physical conditions arise from a misaligned spine or unbalanced nervous system. No matter what symptoms you might be experiencing, it's an unpleasant feeling. In this post, we'll discuss numbness and feelings that some people feel. This could occur in fingers, arms, legs, feet, toes, or hands. We'll also discuss strategies to alleviate numbness and feeling. For instance, can a chiropractor help numbness in hands? So keep reading — and don’t hesitate to reach out if you need Colorado Chiropractic. Read More: Choosing A Trustworthy Chiropractor Symptoms To Be Aware Of Some people describe this tingling sensation as needles and pins. The reason you may be feeling this is a lack of blood circulation in your area. Therefore, the nerves are affected — and that's why you feel…

A Chiropractor Adjusting Persons Feet

Can A Chiropractor Adjust Your Feet?

Foot pain is one of the most debilitating pains that you can have. Any kind of pain or discomfort can be unsettling. However, when it comes to your feet, it's especially important to get something treated because your feet can affect your entire life — the way you walk, the way you sleep, and the way you interact with your loved ones. So don't hesitate to reach out to the best chiropractor in Colorado Springs today. Radix Chiropractic will take care of you in a customized and empathetic way. Now let’s address the question of “Can a chiropractor help with foot problems?” The Ways A Chiropractor Can Help Foot Pain Remember that pain is going to derive from another area in the body. So that typically means the spine in…

A Chiropractor Treating Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia And Chiropractic: What You Need To Know

Fibromyalgia is one of the worst chronic pain conditions that you can suffer from today. Unfortunately, many Americans suffer from this condition currently. But can chiropractor help fibromyalgia? Visiting the right chiropractor in Colorado Springs can help you with your fibromyalgia. It can not just help you with some of the symptoms, but also the underlying causes behind them. After all, that's what we're all about here at Radix Chiropractic. So let's explore some of the ways that visiting a chiropractor can improve your fibromyalgia. Understanding Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia can cause pain all across your body and make it incredibly tender. Some of the previous approaches to fixing fibromyalgia involve things like prescriptions, muscle relaxers and other medications. However, we believe in a more holistic approach. We think that you should…

Baby In The Basket

Signs Your Newborn Needs An Adjustment

Nothing is more important to you than your baby's health. However, there are certain things you should consider when it comes to providing a baby with the best comfort and health levels possible. It has a lot more to do with natural approaches to alignment, posture, and energy than you might think. So keep reading to understand the physical signs your infant might need a chiropractor. That way, you can have peace of mind in your home during these important early years of your little one's life. Read More: How Chiropractic Care Helps Children Signs Your Baby Might Need An Adjustment Here are some of the signs you should take your baby to a chiropractor: Latching Issues If your child has problems during breastfeeding, then they might have releasing or…

The Benefits Of Chiropractic Care Postpartum

The Benefits Of Chiropractic Care Postpartum

Being pregnant is a time represented by a lot of changes for your body. You can put a lot of stress on your bones, tissues, and muscles. Of course, being a new mother is also a wonderful time as well. Your life will be filled with new experiences with your little one. That being said, many recent mothers consider chiropractic care after pregnancy. The reason is because there are several benefits of it. In this post, let's talk about some of the postpartum chiropractic benefits that you should consider. Additional Reading: How Often Should Pregnant Women Go To The Chiropractor The Numerous Benefits Of Chiropractic Care After Pregnancy Posture Your posture can be negatively affected when you're going through pregnancy. That's because of the extra stress on your frame. However,…

Doctor Using The Tool To Examine The Child's Ear

The Benefits Of Seeing Pediatric Chiropractors For Ear Infections

As any parent knows, having a kid with an ear infection is no fun. Fussiness, crying, fever, tugging at the ear, and trouble sleeping are all common signs your child has an ear infection. Even worse, over 80% of children will experience at least one ear infection in childhood. Thankfully, pediatric chiropractic care for ear infections can help you find relief for your child. This treatment is an excellent addition to typical treatments like ear drops and antibiotics. Let’s take a closer look at ear infections and how chiropractic treatment can help. What Causes Ear Infections in Children? Ear infections are caused when bacteria or viruses make their way into the outer, middle, or inner ear. Ear infections can happen to anyone, but they’re especially common in young children, especially…