Digital X-ray

Chiropractic Spinal X-Rays

As a principled, subluxation-based Chiropractor I honor the innate ability of the body to self-heal and self-regulate.  These foundational principles and self-evident truths (axioms) of the body are at their highest potential when the spine is free of the effects of vertebral subluxations (spinal misalignments which interfere with nervous system function).  It is this negative impact upon the nervous system which results in a body that is experiencing reduced healing, reduced adaptation to the environment, and overall reduced health.  When I opened Radix Chiropractic in 2011, our practice utilized spinal radiographs (x-rays) in order to analyze spinal subluxations.  In 2015, we shifted away from radiographs and adopted neurological scanning in an effort to better understand the impact that the subluxations were having on the function of our patients’ nervous systems. …

Love Your Spine


Your spine is connected in some way to every single part of your body via nerves, connective tissue, and bone, so if your spine is in an unhealthy condition your quality of life and overall health may suffer. Things like chronic back pain, back spasms, and issues with the vertebrae are responsible for holding millions of Americans back every year from doing what they love. Unfortunately, chronic back pain is often treated with medications that can become addictive or harmful if treated incorrectly. If you are someone who enjoys having a healthy, injury-free spine, then continue reading for some helpful tips on how to love your spine. (more…)

Don't Miss Your Winter Chiropractor Appointment

Chiropractic Helps Combat Seasonal Symptoms

Winter can be a difficult season in most parts of the country, from the cold temperatures to seasonal depression and even the higher risk of getting a cold or the flu. During this season it’s important to keep staying healthy at the forefront of your mind, and doing what you can with diet, exercise, and regular chiropractic appointments to ensure your quality of life stays consistent all winter long. Let’s talk about some of the common ailments that come with winter weather and how our team at Radix Chiropractic may be able to help. (more…)

Cute Baby With Big Starry Eyes

How Can Chiropractic Care Help My Children?

When you think of chiropractic care, the most common things that probably come to mind are treatments for things like chronic back pain, headaches, and fatigue. But what you may not know is that chiropractic care can be used to treat a number of ailments that only affect children and infants. While it’s easy to think that most children have healthy bodies that are growing as they should, what’s going on under the surface with their spine and nervous system may tell a different story. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits your children will see after visiting our team at Radix Chiropractic. (more…)

People Playing Chess

Chiropractic and Aging

One thing we hear a lot is, "I'm just getting old." It's amazing what we are conditioned to expect about the aging process. Our bodies are designed to function for 120-150 years. Why would it start slowing down at 30, 40, or 50? The answer is subluxation. Our nerves supply muscles with the messages they need to contract. Each muscle fiber has a nerve associated with it. When we have subluxation, there is a reduction in messages along the nerves getting out to the muscles. As a result, thus, not 100% of the muscle is called to action. So when you are trying to use that muscle it isn't as strong as it could be. We can go a layer deeper as well. Organs and glands are chemical factories in…

Young Girl Enjoying The Nature

What are Neurological Scans

As a principled chiropractic office, our concern is the principle: the power that created the body can heal the body if interference is removed. Our neurological scans that we use to evaluate your health, give us information about how much interference is going on in your body. We get to see the efficiency of your nervous system and the power that is within you. We want people to be running as efficiently as possible. Our nerves serve three functions. First, sensory function, how well your body is adapting to the outside world. Secondly, how well your motor nerves are regulating muscle tone. Thirdly, autonomic nerves, are the nerves that control the things are bodies do automatically. Those three tests give you your core score. This is how efficiently your body…

Daniel David Palmer

A Brief History of Chiropractic

The history of chiropractic is interesting. In the ancient world, it was recognized by Greek philosophers that the health of someone’s spine had a direct correlation with their well being and quality of life. The term chiropractic actually comes from the two Greek words, cheir (meaning ‘hand’) and praktos (meaning ‘done’). As you may have guessed, the form of spinal healing performed in ancient Greece was ‘done by hand’. These techniques would be passed down from generation to generation but were still a very long way from becoming the widespread phenomenon that chiropractic care is today. (more…)


My brother and I were not getting along. We were very different people, and in very different stages of life living under the same roof. I was a 22 college drop out starting to get my life back on track with chiropractic care (future blog entry). He was a 12-year-old adolescent. I realized we were constantly fighting because he would ask me the same question repeatedly, refuse to shut doors, or sit down and do his homework. At this time my mom was given a solution he was diagnosed with ADHD and given medication. It was an answer and really that's what a parent is looking for. (more…)


Back Pain and Chiropractic

This is what most people think a chiropractor does all day; fix bad backs. The reason is everyone has experienced or known someone with back pain. Many of those people have been helped by a chiropractor. While I will say chiropractic is for so much more; I want to explain why and how it works for back pain. When a joint locks up in the back the message of pain gets sent to the brain, and the process of degeneration begins. We restore proper movement in the joint and it stops that degenerative process. Also, it turns that pain signal off. This allows us to listen to our bodies feedback. (more…)